Saturday, June 7, 2008

Pop Quiz

Good Day students. Please prepare for a (very) short pop quiz. What's that? Uh, no. You cannot use the hallpass.

Dale Meddock is a:

A) dedicated educator
B) gifted coach
C) steadfast friend
D) loving and supportive father and husband
E) All of the above

The answer is "E) All of the above"

Life brings us many acquaintances but few friends. I am privileged to call Dale Meddock friend. His caring demeanor and sense of humor have touched both colleague and student.

And now my friend, you gave this to me and it's my turn to return the favor.
"Go oft to the house of thy friend, for weeds choke the unused path."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanks Dale. Enjoy your night out with the guys.
Jim LaSalle

1 comment:

Bill Kouvolo said...


Having written many pop quizzes over my teaching career, I enjoyed reading your "all of the above" tribute to Dale.

True or False: We are lucky to count Dale Meddock as our friend. True!